90+ Holly Hoogendorn Shrub
Very reminiscent of boxwood. In the spring hoogendorn holly produces white flowers.
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It is a great low maintenance foundation plant. It helps to spread a few inches of organic mulch over the planting area to hold moisture in the soil. In the north cold weather can damage the foliage of the species plant so you ll want to. Some good mounded selections of japanese holly include compacta convexa helleri hoogendorn and soft touch convexa is easily identified since you can see the convex cupping down nature of the leaves so easily.Needs regular watering weekly or. Whether used as a screen hedge or in mass plantings japanese holly is prized for its contrasting mix of. Japanese holly shrubs ilex crenata make a substantial impression in the home garden. Hoogendorn is a low growing evergreen shrub with very nice dark green foliage.
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